Who are you? Where are you going? Who are you going with? — Sam Keen
Many of us have books that have inspired us, taught us or are just like good friends. I have so many books that have touched my life, the quote above being from “Fire in the Belly”, a book I read when I was working on my father issues, and set an intention to learn how to be a good friend and to have good friends of both sexes, but specifically other men. I pondered those questions of who was I, where was I going and who was I going with, and that helped me so much in healing my “competition” addictions, and learn how to love my brothers. The brotherly love is so important to me, and I am grateful I have a few of these precious people in my life.
As I grow older and approach the “forth ridge of life” the unborn and newborn – gold gate, I begin to search within for what is of deep value to me. Continue reading “Who Are You? Where Are You Going?”