Thanksgiving may have its roots that cut across the different ways we still have ritual and Ceremony. Christians have a way way of giving Thanks, as do most on the Red Road, as when we are aligned with the elements (in balance and grateful), magic begins to happen. The Elves, goblins and creatures of the dark as we move toward the Winter Solstice (the darkest day). To the extent we can feel our pain, we can feel our joy. When I go in the lodge to burn away the facades, false pride and to do the spiritual legwork and alchemy necessary to purify.
Back in the 80’s I spent two years studying the natures way of the native peoples. We built altars, purified together, I made my first drum there and in my teachings at Wy’ East, I learned to make a death mask. Death and Resurrection happen on each breath. – I have to die to live. I have to give away to keep. Ego deaths are the most painful. For the past week I have been running at about 20% due to a pain in my neck. What is this pain teaching me and as it is gradually receding, I follow my somatic sense to stretch those areas that are at the edge of as far as I can turn. to represent the portal between the transformation we go through each morning and night. We wake up we fall asleep. We birth, we die. The purest form of prayer is gratitude, and without it, happiness eludes us. We must feel safe to heal, and by letting go of resentments, I create the space for the new to enter. Thanksgiving is a time for me to express my gratitude for those those friends in my life that make my walk easier. Mandi comes to mind as the one I am most grateful for, as she is both kind, productive and respectful. She is the wind beneath my sails that covers and cares…and is present and real and authentic. She has my back. The “gathering mesa” of an altar is the North direction. One teacher said that the winter is when we gather our power, and the only power there is ….is love. To have good friends that you enjoy being with and that give you their presence. Many forgiveness Ceremonies happen in the Autumn, letting go of anger, resentments and forgiving those who have harmed us. And to ask for forgiveness for ourselves for our self betrayals to the magical child inside. Safe space is where we gather the energy to burst forth the birthing of spring. Happy Thanksgiving to all of our friends. On Thanksgiving, we will have dinner here at three, and invite all of our friends who have nowhere to go to join us with a dish and Commune together in this time of gratitude and prayer.

This year, our Winter Solstice sweat lodge will be the weekend prior to the solstice, on Saturday the 16th. Our Store will be closed that day or two for Ceremony. Please help us prepare by letting me know if you plan to attend.
Our store will be open after Thanksgiving to Christmas this year every day, so we are grateful to our friends who have supported us by lending a hand.
Peace inner heaven Soaring huh above us to an cooler Indian Summer. I give thanks to have an International Family thru out this world from the Scandinavian Penusula to the British Isles where there is an Sense Of belongings.
My heart return to the soil of my native roots.