I have a friend who has been rebuilding my well house at bear creek, and we had coffee this morning at my favorite coffee shop up the street. He went up yesterday to Carson, and reported that all was well there – the fire got to within a mile of our property, but we were spared this time. The fire fighters used our land as a gathering point as they fought to contain the fires, so I am grateful for this report, as I have been unable to find out how my land there was. We have a sweat lodge scheduled for Sept. 30th at bear creek. This will be our Autumn Equinox sweat, and we will be working with the teachings of the West Direction. In case the fire ban isn’t lifted, there will be a Pipe
Ceremony in Portland on the same day of the scheduled sweat (Sept. 30th)
The equinox is the time where light and dark are equally balanced, and is the element of water – the medicine that makes all other medicines work, and is a medicine in itself. The cleansing and drinking of pure and clean water is necessary for good health. I am grateful to have a well on our bear creek land that taps into the clearest water that I bring to Portland as drinking water. Water represents many things – some believe that we all begin our journeys in the water of our Mother’s belly, so the west is seen as the origin of life. Others say the East is the place of beginning. Ours is a Celtic lodge constructed of hazelnut branches with four doors, and we will be entering the west door. My class “The Teachings of the West” will begin on Tuesday evening October 3rd, and run for seven weeks. These two hour classes will focus on the gifts of the West Directions and are a part of the 28 yearly classes I teach, seven classes for each direction. Tuition for the class is $150 or $22 per class, but is open to all who wish to exchange time, talent or treasure.. I will announce what, where and when our Ceremony will take place next week. Next Wednesday we will have a special equinox sharing and drumming circle from seven till nine. Many Blessings, Patrick and Mandi
good job, i like your website.