Heart Space

Easy Does It, But Do It


maxresdefaultThis has been a “weird” week -computers won’t work, equipment breaking down and in spite of that,  business is great and off to a great start as far as abundance flowing with ease and grace. There is much to do to keep current on our orders, and both Mandi and I are working day and night to get the ship of CMD back on course.  Grace is a gift from the spirit world as is mercy, so this is the time to deeply connect with our values, ethics and ways to be. Continue reading “Easy Does It, But Do It”

Our First Memory

“Our first memory when we are formed in the belly of the mother is that of our heartbeat and our mother’s heartbeat – two hearts beating as one”  — Patrick

As we begin our New year, there is something magic in the air.  This is the time we are most connected to the dream, so as I heard recently on a Link TV program, this is  the time to turn off the television and connect with your own visions!  I am so grateful for my friendships that have pulled me through some dark times and in the winter is the time for silence and reflection, and finishing what we start.

The North is the element of air, so we give thanks to the breath of life, and find those things that inspire us to the highest within.  We make the descent to face our demons and find the healing tears that can wash away our pain.  I loved visiting the holy wells of Ireland, and still have some of that water that is our medicine.  The pristine waters and wells help lubricate and hydrate us, as we are the water and we are the air. Continue reading “Our First Memory”