10/18/2011 Patrick’s blog – this is from an old blog of mine.
Reflections on the Shadow
This time of year reminds me of the Owl and Raven, sometimes called “The eagles of the darkness” for their ability to see and hunt in the darkness. In our Current class, “The Teachings of the West” I use many resource books. One of these in entitled “Shadow Dance”. In that book they speak of the “positive” shadow, where we can “lose face”, or not have to use the ego to explain and justify. The author goes on to say, “A healthy person can tolerate intimidation without having to appease the intimidator. He or she can tolerate rejection without having to get back at someone for a personal affront. Fearlessness is simply “no contest” in the face of these conditions of existence and relating; it is defenselessness. Fearfulness is an inability to be that vulnerable; it is defendedness. This is why fear is the opposite of love. People may hurt or scare us, but that no longer compels us to punish or placate them. Our ruffled ego no longer suborns us with fear of losing face or the desire to win. Love impels us instead to the warmhearted alternative it always finds”. The fall is the “going within”, the time for introspection and inventory. This is time to look objectively at our strengths and weaknesses, assets and liabilities. The other animal associated with the west is the Heart-Line Bear. When we begin the powerful work of soul retrieval, we must not only face the abuse we carry from our abusers, but also feel the pain that made the little one inside go away. The feelings reside in the heart, and the bear is the protector of this child’s spirit. In order to get our whole heart back, we must prove to Grandmother Bear that we can love and nurture ourselves.
Thanks for the insight. I was interested in finding out why my families hand drum taps.every once in a while but your website told.me.exzctly what I.needed to’get a understanding. Thank you 9