Opening to recieve

old friendsMy 76th birthday was Friday.  I sensed that Mandi was planning a surprise, but had no more information.  She asked me to drive to West Linn, a suburb of Portland to a “restaurant”, and gave me an address, so I googled the address and it was a large structure with no signs.  As we entered, I could hear a drum and singing from above.  As I entered, I was greeted by an honoring song by the eight or so drummers around a sun dance drum I had made years earlier.  The chairs were arranged in a circle in  the large room, and I was asked to sit in the place of honor.  For the next hour or so, the feather was passed around the circle and each person shared how I or Cedar Mountain had touched their lives.  I could not hold back the tears as I heard how I had made a difference in their lives, and to be honored in this was touched my heart and helped heal that wounded little one inside and I allowed the tears to flow., remember the wise words of a teacher “if we feel, we heal”.  Afterward, she shared food and a cake!  I really got to practice opening to receive the love. 


Many who have gone before us have paved the way for us.  As it turned out, the space was that of Gary Spanovich who has “The church of the still small voice” services on Saturdays.  They sit in silence searching for that still small voice of intuition, where we “hook up” with the infinite power of nature.  Gary had written me birthday wishes and gave me photos of a Native American man doing a healing on Yasser Arafat, the tears streaming down his face with the words of how the drum and the spirituality of indigenous cultures is the soul food that we need now on this election day, to leave the fear thoughts behind and begin to light that candle insidefirebird, where we are connected with the light of the all that is!  My step mom turns 90 on the 12th, and I had an opportunity to express my gratitude for her and her many gifts to me – the circle of life.  My prayers are that the peoples voice be heard with the hearts ear.   Lots happening this week – Taylor (Mandi’s granddaughter) is coming on Friday, today is election day so it is all over – finally!-  Blessings, Patrick and Mandi

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