12 Steps and the Red Road , “The Teachings of the “North to East”


The Sacred Tree and the 12 steps are both a path to deep healing leading to both gratitude and serenity – the journey from winter to spring, the rebirth of Persephone emerging from the underworld – the resurrection of our souls which are eternal.

In this seven week class, we will prepare ourself to till the soil and plant the seeds of change and prepare ourselves for the spring equinox – the resurrection of the light and rebirth of our sacred mother and her bounty.

This class is about walking around the wheel of life and living with a whole heart. Heartspace and both/and. We are coming from winter (air) to spring (fire), finding spirits will for us and telling our stories.

I just celebrated 50 years alcohol free and weave the 12 step teachings into Red Road teachings.

Suggested donation $25 per class or donation of time or talent~

Paypal: patrick@cedarmountaindrums.com

Patrick Pinson is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.


Topic: 12 Steps and the Red Road

Time: Feb 5, 2025 06:30 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)
Every week on Wed, until Mar 18, 2026, 59 occurrence(s)

Please download and import the following iCalendar (.ics) files to your calendar system.
Weekly: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/tZYpfu-hrD4sG92TKQrJVdtXVMCHkPU6WEFJ/ics?icsToken=DAenfbtNtmfmUGZ9kgAALAAAAPWvbpfNhrBS_dew100x84QnTrfKwDQo0WqwJQvJ_o0bv7iaPO0K-5nYSq82UZrRa-DP_C1ALYzg9CVGkjAwMDAwMQ&meetingMasterEventId=rxGOHR6-TyefmwDQNKmTJg

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Meeting ID: 824 9692 5619
Passcode: 415586

Find your local number: https://us02web.zoom.us/u/kd3vdwLOeS

Suggested donation $25 per class or donation of time or talent~

Paypal: patrick@cedarmountaindrums.com

Course taught by Patrick Pinson, M.A., of Mingo heritage and owner of Cedar Mountain Drums. He teaches from a place of knowing, integrating gestalt, play, years of experience on the Red Road, 50+ years of sobriety and from his personal work with our own issues. This is an experiential class available to all seeking how to integrate the old with the new.