
A primary teaching of the North Direction is detachment.  We detach each night when we fall asleep, yet many indigenous cultures say that the dream time is the real time where the ones who dreamed us seven generations ago can guide us and show us the way through our dreams.  Several years ago when I was attending men’s groups and “healing the male wound”, I read many books – “Iron John”, “King Warrior, Magician and Lover” and the book “the flying boy”, which alludes to our unabashed dreams when we were young.  We have to inflate to get off the ground.  What hopes and dreams did you have in youth that are up in ashes.  These are the times to look at where we are going – what seeds from the dreams can we plant that can take root?  Nature teaches out of the death comes new life –  Out of the ashes comes the fire bird, or the resurrection of spirit.  Our breath is our first gift, so our first prayer is “thank you for the breath of life”.  Life breathes us when we let go of wants, needs and holding on to old patterns that no longer serve us.  In 12 step recovery, we pray for the willingness to let go…absolutely to what binds us. When we are in the “zone”, our life flows with ease and grace.  When we struggle, we look at where we are holding on to old ideas that might have helped us survive, but restrict our actualizing our true destinies. the flute has taught me that my songs are in my heart, and inspiration and imagination light the creative fires of the east.  The drum keeps me grounded in the humus of mother earth – planted as the tree.

Tonight begins our seven week series on “The Teachings of the North”.  The animals associated with that direction are the bald eagle, the buffalo and the horse.  Hummingbird is in the north direction on the Inca medicine wheel, and teaches us to trust our deep wisdom that is in our gut and heart.  Willingness is a key – suit up and show up.  Hope to see you tonight!

This Wednesday is mixed drumming, so hope to see my extended family for Ceremony, sharing and play!  Blessings, Patrick