Having grown up in Huntington WV, I love the character of the people of Appalachia “almost heaven”. I earned a B.A and M.A. from Marshall and back in my college days in the 60’s we would go on spring break to Fort Lauderdale – in retrospect there was so much eye clutter in bill boards journeying from WV to Florida. Having lived in the beautiful Northwest since 1978,, I have so learned to appreciate the 50 mile drive from Portland to Carson to my “Heartspace”, a place for my soul to heal. The pristine Columbia River Gorge has no billboards. There are Eagles, Osprey, Salmon and waterfalls – and we travel across the “Bridge of the Gods” to Carson and Bear Creek Lane, on the slopes of Mt. Adams (Klickitat), home of my soul and returns me to my true nature. Since my Jasmine Rose Pinson was in her mom’s belly – almost 19 years ago. I have tended to and made prayers on this land with sweat lodge Ceremonies, workshops and comunity. Our first garden was a

fence less medicine wheel garden that produced the most wonderful harvest. We are now entering the ripening time, beginning the inward journey toward our Autumn Equinox Ceremony
I intend to take loving care Bear Creek “heartspace”, and of our relatives the standing ones, the creatures and winged ones who reside there. My ancestors have called me from my birthplace in WV and Kentucky to my Store in Portland and our Heartspace retreat in Carson where I can play, pray, teach others to make drums, rattles and flutes, golf, soak in the natural hot springs, get healing massage, swim, and have a healthy balance of be/do.
Native Wisdom has taught me the only value in having is sharing with my dear friends and family I am so grateful for.
I have such a diversity of friends, from the rich and famous to those ex cons, recovering alcoholics who have found the Red Road and 12 steps.
I am so blessed for beautiful Columbia River Gorge, no billboards. Eagles, Osprey, Salmon and waterfalls – across the “Bridge of the Gods” to Bear Creek Lane, home of my soul and true nature. Made prayers on this land to take loving care of our relatives the standing ones, the creatures and winged ones who’s ancestors have called me from Kentucky/West Virginia to Oregon/Washington. Here I intend to teach drum and rattle making, do drum circles, to golf, swim, sweat and pray with my dear friends and family. I have friends from all over the world who helped create the dream. And to my truest friend Mandi, who has endured me for so many years. Happy Forth of July weekend.