Tomorrow is 42424 and that equals 16. There are 16 holes punched in our drums.
I am filled. I am overflowing, which must be the art of circulation. I am enough, I have enough, and I have broken the first spell, which is “there’s not enough”.
This is a spell. It takes a witch or warlock to break a spell. The irish have a charm for luck. The four-leaf clover. Spell number two is “more is better” which many are stuck on. Being “stuck” means flow is blocked. God Dammit is another way of stopping flow.
I pray for ease and grace like bear creek.

That creek both sings to me and just keeps flowing around the rocks, going back to mother ocean. and the trees sway in the breezes and gusts – the air, the fire, the earth, and the water – all equally balanced. I noticed I changed fonts. How do you like this font?
Gratitude and thanksgiving and sharing what I have with the ripe. – investing my time, talent, and treasures into what and who I believe in. I have to be with someone prior to knowing them, and they change when healthy. This is changing woman or a rolling stone, which gathers no moss. All there is – is change. When I have expectations, they are planned resentments, and resentments, unless released turn into cancer and eat me. So, what’s eating me and what am I eating. Garbage in and garbage out. Good food, good friends, and good music. Gayle Highpine wrote an article entitled “The non-progressive Great Spirit”. My point of power is most always now. There is nowhere to get to – I am enough.